Do512 Family - What to do in Austin with Kids

Do512 Family - What to do in Austin with Kids

5 Ways to Get Active This Week: August 17-23, 2015

IT’S TIME TEXAS makes healthy easier for Texans where they live, learn, work, worship and shop. You can now download their FREE Choose Healthier mobile app for a list of local activities and events!

IT’s TIME TEXAS shares plenty of fun ideas for getting active with the whole family. Check out the following five fun events for getting out with the kids this week!


–> 5 Ways to Get Active this Week!

—  Free First Kids Class at My Gym
Monday-Friday (various hours) @ My Gym Children’s Fitness Centers
My Gym has developed a program and facility devised to help children 6 weeks thru 10 years of age develop physically, cognitively and emotionally. They offer age-appropriate, weekly classes that incorporate music, dance, relays, games, special rides, gymnastics, sports and more. Children have loads of fun as they gain strength, balance, coordination, agility and flexibility while developing social skills, confidence and self-esteem. Click here to find the schedule of classes and locations, so you can sign up to try a class for free.

Volunteer On the Farm
Tuesdays & Thursdays at 8:30 a.m. @ Urban Roots
Urban Roots is grateful for wonderful volunteers who help with a variety of tasks, from farm work to community events. Volunteers are welcome every Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 8:30-11:30.  No RSVP required for individuals and groups smaller than five, but groups larger than five must email

Free First Dance Class for Kids
Wednesday, August 19, 12 p.m. @ The Tapestry Dance Company
Whether starting as a beginner or on our pre-professional track, their programs for children are aimed at increasing self-confidence and self-expression. Call ahead to reserve a spot (512) 4-RHYTHM. First class is FREE!

— Free Skating Classes
Saturday, 12- 1 p.m. @ Chaparral Ice
Try out a skating class! They offer free one-time, 30-minute introductory classes for beginners age 6 and up.  Classes are held at noon on Saturdays at the Northcross location.  Students must register and pick up skates at the front desk by 11:45 a.m. to be ready for the class at noon.  Allow 20-30 minutes to sign up and get skates properly fitted. Dress warmly! It is for individuals only and is not available for groups.

— Back2School Block Party
Sunday, August 23, 12:30-5 p.m. @ Faith4Life Church in Round Rock
Faith4Life church is hosting a Back2School Block Party with free haircuts, free school supplies, free food, free dental check ups, bounce houses, face painting, a balloon artist, the Fun Bus, the Video Games2U bus, live music & words from the Mayor of Round Rock. This community event will be a lot of fun in preparing the youth to go back to school ready and in style.

11048695_742668845851071_3109759118160519914_n-> Choose Healthier App for more healthy family ideas: Be sure to download the FREE Choose Healthier mobile app for local health-focused information, activities and events right at your fingertips. You can also like IT’S TIME TEXAS on Facebook and follow them on Twitter and Instagram for healthy tools, tips, activities and motivation, and to show your support for the cause.

Have fun!

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