Do512 Family - What to do in Austin with Kids

Do512 Family - What to do in Austin with Kids

Enjoy Thinkery Fun at Home with Do/Make/Create STEAM Kits

While the pandemic might temporarily keep us from visiting some of our favorite places to play, Thinkery wants you to enjoy their fun hands-on activities even when you can’t explore the museum in person! Thinkery’s creative team of educators have put together some great ways for parents, caregivers and kiddos to play and learn through STEAM exploration with the launch of their  Do/Make/Create STEAM Kits. These kits feature some of their most popular maker activities that have been boxed up and reimagined for home. Perfect for an extra weekend activity or potential fun for your child’s whole pandemic pod, these Do/Make/Create kits will be available for pick-up starting on February 3, but can be pre-ordered today!

Thinkery’s Do/Make/Create kits offer activities designed for two different age groups: Pre-K through 1st grade and 2nd through 5th grade. Each kit includes instructions, supplies and tools for ten (10) hands-on activities that encourage kids to express their creativity, practice problem solving, and use familiar materials in different ways. Enjoy making such things as recycled planters, felt creatures, pop-up greeting cards and more! You can tinker, explore and learn with ten STEAM maker activities in one amazing box!

As we find ourselves with more time at home due to the pandemic, we are so eager to find new ways to entertain and engage the kids, and we’re grateful that the Thinkery team is still sharing their expertise with us! We need all the help we can get. We love that the kits come with all necessary supplies and easy-to-follow directions.

To order your kits, you can simply go to and order in Thinkery’s online store. Take note that if your learning pod, community group, or afterschool program is interested, there are bulk discounts available, too. Simply reach out to for more info.


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