Do512 Family - What to do in Austin with Kids

Do512 Family - What to do in Austin with Kids

Send Us Your Community Shoutouts

Celebrate someone special in the community! Who is your unsung hero? Do512 and CapMetro invite you to give them a shoutout to let them know you’re their number one fan!

In the coming weeks, we will be using our social media platform as a way to highlight special people in the Austin community. Good neighbors, teachers, caregivers, nurses, doctors, park rangers, frontline workers — or any special individuals who are helping you stay positive at this time.

Click here to read some of the latest shoutouts!

Submit your shoutout and be entered to win a Do512 goodie bag for you and your shoutout hero. Goodie bag will include gift cards, Do512 gear & more!

How to Shine a Spotlight on Someone Special:

What we are asking for:
Please prepare a short  (under 20 sec) video or a quick write-up of someone you would like to honor. This can be anyone that you thin should get some recognition for their hard work.

How to submit:

1. Fill out the form at the bottom of this page or send via email to Please include:

  • The name of the person you are giving a shoutout to
  • A very quick description of why you chose them

For video submissions please use the prompt: “Hey Austin, my name is {NAME} and I want to give a shoutout to {NAME}. Followed by a brief description of why they are so awesome!

Please note that if you wish for your child to be featured in a shoutout, you are are giving permission to use that video in a public format on social media. All submissions must be sent from a parent or guardian and cannot be accepted from minors.

If you’re having any trouble with this form on a mobile device, click here to upload your submission.

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