Celebrate someone special in the community! Who is your unsung hero? Do512 and CapMetro invite you to give them a shoutout to let them know you’re their number one fan!
In the coming weeks, we will be using our social media platform as a way to highlight special people in the Austin community. Good neighbors, teachers, caregivers, nurses, doctors, park rangers, frontline workers — or any special individuals who are helping you stay positive at this time.

Submit your shoutout and be entered to win a Do512 goodie bag for you and your shoutout hero. Goodie bag will include gift cards, Do512 gear & more!
How to Shine a Spotlight on Someone Special:
What we are asking for:
Please prepare a short (under 20 sec) video or a quick write-up of someone you would like to honor. This can be anyone that you thin should get some recognition for their hard work.
How to submit:
1. Fill out the form at the bottom of this page or send via email to admin@do512.com. Please include:
- The name of the person you are giving a shoutout to
- A very quick description of why you chose them
For video submissions please use the prompt: “Hey Austin, my name is {NAME} and I want to give a shoutout to {NAME}. Followed by a brief description of why they are so awesome!
Please note that if you wish for your child to be featured in a shoutout, you are are giving permission to use that video in a public format on social media. All submissions must be sent from a parent or guardian and cannot be accepted from minors.
If you’re having any trouble with this form on a mobile device, click here to upload your submission.