Recently, 11-year-old budding writer, River Tompkins, offered to contribute a review of Rodeo Austin. Of course, we’re thrilled to hear directly from the experts — the kids! Read on for some rodeo highlights from River’s perspective (his first Rodeo experience to boot), and take note that you still have time to get tickets for Rodeo Austin — happening at Travis County Expo Center now through March 30.

When I think of rodeos, I think of cowboys in their big boots and cowboy hats. I think of giant angry bulls, live rock music, the smoky aroma of BBQ and dangerous thrills mixed with cotton candy. To me that means rodeo. Rodeo Austin did not disappoint! This was my first rodeo, and it blew my expectations out of the water.
Here are my absolute favorite moments of this year’s rodeo:

Bull Riding: The Bull Riding at Rodeo Austin is top notch; the energy and excitement was palpable. As soon as the bull was unleashed I immediately fell in love with this competition. It is thrilling in the moment, at the same time, nerve-racking, as I was worried something would happen to the rider. The Bull Riders were going all-out with their determination and bravery, to hold on for the required 8 seconds. This event went by so quickly, I wish it had gone on for hours.
Live Music: Following the Rodeo, I was lucky enough to see the Struts play, and they are spectacular live. This was my first time seeing the UK rock band, and I want to see them again. After they opened with their hit single Body Talks everyone stood up and started dancing. In my mind lead singer Luke Spiller was a mix of Austin Powers & Freddy Mercury. I loved every second of the concert.
Steer Wrestling: In this event, it was Mano y Mano, Man vs Cow. The cowboy would ride his horse at top speed to chase down the cow, then jump off the horse and tackle the cow to the ground, restraining him. You could just see the grit in the cowboy’s eyes as he slammed the cow into the ground. This event was awesome, it got my blood pumping and adrenaline flowing. There is something about man vs animal that excites all of us.
Wild West Show: Before the rodeo started I got to sit down and enjoy a great Wild West show. Contestants rode their horses around the arena while doing some of the most mind-blowing tricks I have ever seen. From handstands to flips, even jumping off the horse and vaulting back on the horse while on the run. This event is in the fairgrounds, you should check it out before heading into the arena.
Pig Racing: Once I got to the fairgrounds I headed straight to the pig racing event. These pigs did not let me down. They raced their hearts out and put on an excellent show. Watching those little pigs run was adorable. As you can see the pigs were racing for their favorite college, the crowd was in an uproar as the UT pig won it all.
Bare Back Riding & Saddle Bronc Riding: Originally I was going to pick my 5 favorite events, but this rodeo was too good. Bareback riding was absolutely crazy. With no saddle and just a rigging to hold onto, riders clung on tight for life as we know it, trying to hold on for 8 seconds. This was the first event I saw and I was hooked. It made me realize that I have wasted the last 10 years of my life not seeing the rodeo.
About the Contributing Writer:
I am an 11-year-old author named River Tompkins, and I attend Acton Academy West in Austin. Writing is my passion and Do512 Family gave me the opportunity to cover this event. My football podcast is available in iTunes, which you can find here. You can check out my 160 page published book Everything I Know About Football, now selling at BookPeople in Austin.
All photographs in this article were provided by River’s mom, Tyler Whitman.