YMCA of Austin believes that health and wellness programs should be available to everyone in the community regardless of their income. Through their Membership for All program, YMCA provides financial assistance to thousands of Austin-area residents, and during the month of August they are also waiving their normal joining fee, making now a great time to look into all of the benefits and programs that the Y has to offer!
It’s common to chat about how COVID-19 has had many of us stress-eating, gaining weight and working out less due to many gyms being closed. But now more than ever, the pandemic is reminding us of the importance to maintain our health, boost our immune system, and remember that a healthy body and mind go hand-in-hand.

For many Austin-area residents who have had the hardships of unemployment or financial struggles at this time, the YMCA wants to help by offering affordable health and wellness activities! They provide financial assistance for memberships and program fees based on household incomes. More than 5,000 Austin-area families received financial assistance for YMCA membership in 2019 through the Y’s Membership for All program, and now is a great time for even more local residents to join! The Y has streamlined its application process to make it quicker and simpler to apply for assistance, and currently the YMCA is waiving its normal $49 joining fee through August 31.
“The Y is for everyone. We’re here for all ages, genders, religions, races, ethnicities, orientations, abilities and socioeconomic backgrounds. We don’t turn anyone away who can’t afford to pay the membership or program fees.”
–James Finck, YMCA of Austin president and CEO
With nine facilities in Travis, Hays and Bastrop counties, the YMCA of Austin offers a range of activities to meet the needs of all ages with activities including group exercise classes, personal training, swimming, yoga, basketball, pickleball, and more.
Youth programs such as dance and gymnastics are launching in September at select locations, with more programs beginning as conditions in the community improve.
YMCA of Austin locations include:
- Bastrop YMCA, 1112 Main St., Bastrop, (512) 321-YMCA (9622)
- East Communities YMCA, 5315 Ed Bluestein, 922-YMCA
- Hays Communities YMCA, 465 Buda Sportsplex Dr., Buda, 523-0099
- Northwest Family YMCA, 5807 McNeil Dr., 335-YMCA
- North Austin YMCA, 1000 W. Rundberg Ln., 973-YMCA
- Southwest Family YMCA, 6219 Oakclaire Dr. (& Hwy. 290), 891-YMCA
- Springs Family YMCA, 27216 Ranch Rd. 12 South in Dripping Springs, 894-3309
- TownLake YMCA, 1100 W. Cesar Chavez, 542-YMCA
- YMCA Camp Moody, 1220 Old San Antonio Rd., 523-9640
In accordance with state and local guidelines, Austin Y locations have implemented a variety of measures to keep visitors safe. Please click here to review their current procedures.
For more information about YMCA membership rates and Membership for All, call 512-730-YMCA (9622) or visit www.AustinYMCA.org.