If you’re a parent of a child older than three, no doubt you have read about or seen an educational cartoon about the life cycle and migration of the Monarch butterflies. The Monarch population in Mexico last winter was the lowest ever recorded. You and your older children may find Zilker Botanical Garden’s Monarch, Milkweed and You event on Saturday, August 10 from 1 – 3 pm to be educational and empowering as you learn how you can help. Please join this educational talk to learn what actions you can take to help this magnificent long distance flyer of the insect world. Topics will include:
- The biology, life cycle and habitat requirements of Monarch butterflies
- Overview of Monarch Watch, conservation initiatives, and citizen science projects
Host: Mike Quinn, Entomologist and contributing editor to BugGuide.net
Cost: Free with admission to Garden, $2/adults, $1/children and seniors
RSVP is required to Anjoli.fry@austintexas.gov or (512) 477-8672 X17