Do512 Family - What to do in Austin with Kids

Do512 Family - What to do in Austin with Kids

Makeshift Meals with Pantry Staples

Whether you have power or not, grocery supply in the city is limited right now. We’re feeding the family with limited pantry items, some of us with a heat source such as a gas stove, and some of us just making do with no-cook meals. We’ve rounded up some suggestions and researched some recipe ideas for these Makeshift Pantry Recipes to help us get by until we can stock up at the store.

First, if you’re wondering how long your food can last in a power outage or what you might need to toss, please check out this informative chart about Food Safety During a Power Outage.

No-Cook Ideas:

Got canned veggies & beans?

Got pasta, rice, potatoes or oats?

Wondering what stores are open right now? Our friends at Do512 are keeping track of openings.

Do you have any recipe ideas to share? Feel free to send along ideas to or tag @do512Family if you’re posting your creative meals on Instagram.

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