IT’S TIME TEXAS makes healthy easier for Texans where they live, learn, work, worship and shop. Check out these five fun events for getting out and getting active with the kids this week!
For more healthy family ideas, Like IT’S TIME TEXAS on Facebook and follow them on Twitter and Instagram for healthy tools, tips, activities and motivation, and to show your support for the cause. You can sign up here to be notified when the free Choose Healthier mobile app is ready for download becomes available later this spring!
–> 5 Ways to Get Active this Week!
— ABC’s of Cooking Class
Every Third Tuesday, 4 p.m. @ Lake Travis Library
Cooking Classes for 5 to 10 year olds will be held at the library every third Tuesday of the month at 4pm. Librarian Sue Gilman will teach youngsters simple recipes such as tortilla snowflakes, solar powered s’mores, and ladybugs on a log. She will also incorporate lessons about healthy eating habits and nutrition. It’s guaranteed fun!
— Georgetown Farmers Market
Every Thursday, 3:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. @ Georgetown Church of Christ
Come out and meet the farmers who grow your food! We are a growers market consisting of 50+ members that grow and sell their produce and products, all located from within eleven counties surrounding Williamson County. This farmers market is located in the Georgetown Church of Christ parking lot.
— Mom and Me Yoga
Friday, May 22, 10:30 a.m. @ Laura’s Library
Mom and Me yoga is a wonderful way for you and your child to develop strength, coordination, breath awareness, and the ability to relax all together! Expect to dance, jump, play, and rest with your child. Classes are on a drop-in basis and held the last Friday of each month. This series is free to the public and is designed for children ages 3 and up, along with their caregiver.
— Oneness and Wellness Fairs / Ferias Unidad y Bienestar
Saturday, May 23, 10 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. @ Nature’s Treasure
Come experience Central Texas’ only Bilingual Wellness & Metaphysical Fair, dedicated to enhancing and supporting your well-being. Enjoy educational inspirational lectures, meditations, doors prizes, raffles and much more. Children are welcome! This is a bilingual event for the entire family.
— Free Picky Eater Workshop
Saturday, May 23 9-11 a.m. @ Easter Seals of Central Texas
Parents of children 5 and under are invited to this fun, interactive event to learn more about their child’s nutritional needs and how to help encourage them to try new foods! is workshop will include hands-on activities and a demonstration on cooking healthy meals with young children. Refreshments and childcare will be provided. Registration is required, please call 512-615-6833 or email to sign up.
Have fun!